How A Simple 10 Minute Daily Affirmation Changed My Life

That headline sounds sensational and far fetched but I swear to you it’s true.
As an aspiring entrepreneur and just a generally ambitious son of a bitch aiming to fulfill my own potential, one thing I’ve struggled with for years is living in the present and appreciating everything I have and have achieved so far.
This one thing has definitely affected my happiness over the years because I’m forever looking forward at ‘the end result’. The problem is that the end result never really is the end result.
There is always learning, development and personal growth and as soon as an end result or goal is achieved, another one is set.
Now I’ve not actually reached my true end result that I set out to achieve as it stands, although I have achieved part of it, but I know that this won’t end. I’ll always be looking at the next goal.
The old saying ‘success is a journey not a destination’… I get that now but it took a long time to truly ‘get it’.
Anyway, when you live life focused on the future and the life you want to build, it’s easy to forget the present and live each day feeling unfulfilled and at oftentimes unhappy.
That is until about 2 months ago…
I heard Andy Frisella (The MFCEO podcast) talk about this and he said in the morning as he is brushing his teeth and getting ready, he thinks about all the things he is thankful for in his life.
I thought what the hell, I’ll give it a go.
I wake up really early like just before 5am usually so now, instead of reaching straight for my phone, I make a strong coffee and sit in the dark in silence to drink it.
While I’m sitting quiet and in the dark, I think about every little thing I’m thankful for in my life. My fiance, my parents, my friends both here and overseas, my colleagues, where I live, the opportunities I’ve been blessed with and just about anything else I think of that I’m really thankful for.
Get really detailed with this. Think about exactly WHY you are thankful for each of the things you are thinking about and what life might be like without this.
It’s very rare in this modern busy world that you just stop and focus your thoughts.
I’ve been doing this every morning now for the last couple months and I can honestly say I’m a million times happier, calmer and appreciative of everything in my life.
I just wish I’d have started doing this years ago.
Give it a try every day for a period of time and let me know how you feel.