I think this is a huge issue that holds a lot of people back from working consistently towards their goals over a long period of time. Heck I think it stops a lot of people from even taking the first STEP and starting. What am I talking about?
- Confidence
- Doubt
- Self belief
- Some sort of guarantee of the outcome of all the work you’ll put in and all the sacrifices you make before you make them
A lot of people on social media and in forums etc, all seem to want to go after their goals or start a business but one common question that comes up time and time again is:
“What if I do all this work and invest so much of my time and it doesn’t pay off?”
It’s like people want a guarantee of success before they start. They are full of self doubt and constantly looking for ways to overcome it and get the confidence and motivation they think they need to start, continue and eventually succeed.… ... Continue Reading